Grateful Friday: Of Vacuum Cleaners and Music
I have never enjoyed doing housework as much as I have today.
A few weeks ago our very noisy but relatively new vacuum cleaner broke down. The guarantee had just run out as well so we didn’t have the option to return it. So after uhming and ahhing we finally decided to invest in Dyson. NOW WHY DIDN’T WE DO THIS TO START WITH!! We got the little drag around one (what are they called?) and what a dream. But the best thing is the minimal amount of noise it produces. For the first time in three years, I was able to listen to music as I vacuumed. I plugged myself into my iPod and I was off. I listened to ‘Rhythm of the Saints’ by Paul Simon and boy, did I enjoy every single song. I loved this album when I first heard it about twelve years ago or so and I had loaded it onto my iPod a couple of months ago but forgot about it and in fact never listened to it. But today I am glad I decided to.
You know how some songs and music just have that power to uplift you and put you in a happy mood? Rhythm of the Saints is just one such album. Every single song is a happy song and fantastic. I particularly like the African rhythms incorporated into each song. I am in such a good mood now; I feel I can conquer the world.
Beautiful music playing in my ear, sunshine warming my skin and a clean house. What more could I ask for? And today is Grateful Friday as well so…
Today I am grateful for
1. The discovery and re-discovery of music new and music lost.
2. The power of words and music and their ability to uplift the spirit.
3. Dysons
4. iPods
5. A house to clean – many out there are homeless.
A few weeks ago our very noisy but relatively new vacuum cleaner broke down. The guarantee had just run out as well so we didn’t have the option to return it. So after uhming and ahhing we finally decided to invest in Dyson. NOW WHY DIDN’T WE DO THIS TO START WITH!! We got the little drag around one (what are they called?) and what a dream. But the best thing is the minimal amount of noise it produces. For the first time in three years, I was able to listen to music as I vacuumed. I plugged myself into my iPod and I was off. I listened to ‘Rhythm of the Saints’ by Paul Simon and boy, did I enjoy every single song. I loved this album when I first heard it about twelve years ago or so and I had loaded it onto my iPod a couple of months ago but forgot about it and in fact never listened to it. But today I am glad I decided to.
You know how some songs and music just have that power to uplift you and put you in a happy mood? Rhythm of the Saints is just one such album. Every single song is a happy song and fantastic. I particularly like the African rhythms incorporated into each song. I am in such a good mood now; I feel I can conquer the world.
Beautiful music playing in my ear, sunshine warming my skin and a clean house. What more could I ask for? And today is Grateful Friday as well so…
Today I am grateful for
1. The discovery and re-discovery of music new and music lost.
2. The power of words and music and their ability to uplift the spirit.
3. Dysons
4. iPods
5. A house to clean – many out there are homeless.
Yes indeed it's another thing to be grateful for - those things cost a pretty penny!
**makming notes...** Dyson-- thanks for the tip :)
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