101 things IN

and other things thrown in between

101 Things in 1001 Days: Seeing the Good

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Seeing the Good

As part of my attempt at frugal living this month, I pulled my bread maker out of the cupboard where it has been comfortably nestled for the past two years and made some bread which turned out to be quite nice. So this morning, I made a lettuce and smoked ham sandwich to bring into work with me. By so doing, I have saved myself the £2 (approx US$4) which I would have spent in the chip shop round the corner from my office getting lunch. Yay! I must confess though that I am not much of a ‘sandwich-for-lunch’ type of gal as I prefer my meals to be hot and filling but one must make sacrifices to make savings. My new motto.

I also wrote my first entry into my gratitude journal last night and let me tell you it was so HARD to think of things I was grateful for. It’s funny that I can think of loads of negative stuff during the day at a snap but to think of one thing to be grateful for… The usual stuff came to mind – I am grateful for my husband, daughter, health blah, blah, blah – but deeper, not-immediately-visible-to-the-naked-eye (soul) type of stuff just didn’t spring to mind. Does this mean that as human beings we are wired to be automatically negative and so have a hard time identifying the good stuff? I am no psychologist but this is what I think it boils down to. We have to LEARN to see good in the things, people and environment surrounding us and enjoy even the bad things – in a round about way.

But I shall press on with my quest to make an entry into my gratitude journal each day. I think it will make me more aware, more in tune, more alert and more observant of the universe and it’s offerings.


Blogger Unknown said...

That's the way! Keep up the good habits, and they'll stay with you.

Friday, August 04, 2006  
Blogger Michelle said...

In an effort to see the good, my son and I say a prayer of gratitude every night. Your post hit a chord with me, because I get stuck very easily, while my son will go on thanking God for the ice cream cone, getting to play with his friend, etc. Sometimes I am just like, uh, uh, trying to think of something, and I don't know why that is.

Friday, August 04, 2006  
Blogger Sheela said...

Just wanted to thank you for this post. Yay for gratitude, simplicity and for choosing the way of joy.

Friday, August 04, 2006  
Blogger Onada - Fashion and Photography said...

I started taking my lunch to work this week too. Has saved quite a bit of money.

You made some good points.Thanks for the reminder on being grateful. I'm guilty of forgetting that!

Friday, August 04, 2006  

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