101 things IN

and other things thrown in between

101 Things in 1001 Days: 101 in 1001 - An Update

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

101 in 1001 - An Update

I haven’t forgotten my list. In fact there are a few more things I can cross off it:

Body and Health

*Join a Pilates class – Done!

Yes, I have! And boy, it’s a lot more difficult than I imagined it would be. I thought it was just a lot of gentle stretching exercises, which it is, but you stretch to the max! I was all aches and pains when the class was over. Makes me realise just how unfit I am.

Family – Daughter

Enrol her in Ballet Classes – Done!

And I am so glad I did. She absolutely loves it and she looks adorable in her little pink leotards and silky pick tutu. I stand by the studio doors with a silly smile slapped on my face watching her for the duration of the lesson. Hey, but so are all the other mums!

Family – Husband

Have another baby – Done! (well almost...)

I am now 7 weeks pregnant. Need I say more? But if you really want me to,
go here.

*Note to self: Must remember to discuss the safety of Pilates during pregnancy with the instructor.

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Blogger rel said...

Congratulations on your pregnancy. i'm pleased that you are delighted. (that's always helpful.)
That mornig sickness is a bear. Verity has some good ideas though, the ginger root suggestion may be worth a try.
Happy days,

Wednesday, October 25, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks rel! yes, I am VERY delighted. I've already started on the Peppermint tea. :-)

Wednesday, October 25, 2006  
Blogger Jamie said...

Wow! Congratulations on the baby news. That's awesome. And how cool that your other accomplishments are encouraging your daughter and looking after yourself! Your post just made me smile :)

Friday, October 27, 2006  

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