
20 Things I find really yummy
Spooning with my hubby The sound of my daughter’s laughter My Ralph Lauren driving shoes Jeans that actually fit Strolling in Paris SNOW Strawberries and cream Curling up with a good book A hot shower on a cold evening Journals Pretty coloured paper Bookshops Feeling baby KICK inside me My PDA Seeing my spring bulbs sprout Summer time Hot chocolate Me Time The smell of coffee Finding an unbelievable bargain
Spooning with my hubby The sound of my daughter’s laughter My Ralph Lauren driving shoes Jeans that actually fit Strolling in Paris SNOW Strawberries and cream Curling up with a good book A hot shower on a cold evening Journals Pretty coloured paper Bookshops Feeling baby KICK inside me My PDA Seeing my spring bulbs sprout Summer time Hot chocolate Me Time The smell of coffee Finding an unbelievable bargain
Labels: Lists, Sunday Scribbings
I just love this! Journals and bookshops make my list of yummy as well!
I like all the font sizes and colors. Fun!
That's great. How did you do all the sizes and colors? I remember the yummy feeling of the baby inside me. So special for so short a time.
Very artistically done yummy post! I like your list..
Do chk mine at:Yummy!!
feeling baby kick- that brought back such a favorite time of my life. I absolutely LOVED being pregnant. Congrats to you and your little one. :-)
Oooh!! Yum yum. Love this list. (P.S. I've been on holiday, but I'm back now!)
Love this post! Yummy fonts and colors and ideas!
The font sizes and colors are so fun. Bookstores, smell of coffee, and journals on my list too.
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