Nurture {a story of breasts}

However, once I got over the initial excitement of being able to sport a killer cleavage for the second time ever in my life (the first time being when I was pregnant with my daughter over four years ago) I began to view my breasts in quite a different light, a light tinged with a kind of quiet respect.
Here was a part of my body created not to attract nor to serve as mere pleasure domes to the opposite sex ( as the media oftentimes tends to portray them) rather this was a part of my body whose purpose was now, 30+ years on, being revealed.
I have watched you grow
With the coming of my child
Your purpose revealed
The true purpose of my breasts is housed within them – they are the vessels through which I will nurture my new baby, giving him or her rich, nutrient filled, truly organic milk which will be baby’s nourishment for the first six months of its life.
A suckling baby
Nurtured by its mothers breasts
Rests contentedly
Isn’t that just such an amazing thought?
It is to me.
Labels: Haiku, One Deep Breath