Sunday Scribbings: CHOCOLATE!

...when I saw the PROMPT for this week I thought OH NO...
When I saw the prompt for this week I must admit I cringed and thought ‘Oh no, not chocolate’.
I don’t eat chocolate.
Whhhhhhaaattttttt???? * I hear the screams of disbelief*
I don’t like chocolate *lots of gasps and incredulous looks!!*
I know, I know I must be the only person in the world who doesn’t particularly like chocolate. It has nothing to do with watching my weight or anything; it’s just that I’ve never acquired a taste for the stuff. However, however … I may be able to redeem myself here ... I love hot chocolate. One of my favourite drinks to have before I go to bed or on a cold, wet afternoon. I especially love the way it’s served in Starbucks with whipped cream and marshmallows (have I convinced you now that not eating chocolate has nothing to do with watching my weight?)
I have always loved hot chocolate but my passion for it quadrupled right after I watched the movie Chocolat. I mean, who could resist the way Juliette Binoche’s character made up a mug of the lovely, creamy stuff. Just watching the way it was served up was a work of art and the thought of drinking it a piece of heaven.
So, I may turn my nose up at a bar of chocolate, but a mug of the steaming, liquid stuff? Anytime.
hi there! I just wrote about that movie too - it was amazing! You're not alone, apparently Drew Barrymore can't stand chocolate - so there! I WISH I didn't like it. I truly do. There would be a whole lot less misplaced guilt in my life! :)
Hot chocolate is my favourite too!
Yum hot chocolate done right can be sinfully good.
whoo hoo, to hot chocolate!!
Gasp.....oh, okay you like hot chocolate - you are redeemed! Actually you aren't the only person I've encountered who doesn't like chocolate so it doesn't really surprise me.
I feel the same as you and it's not at all about my weight :)
Oh lucky you...amazing how different tastes are...
Mmmm...Starbucks, now that is something incredible:)
I love that you love hot chocolate. Going for coffee and hot chocolate with my invalid mom is a special pleasure. Clearly there is chocolate and then there is HOT CHOCOLATE - something totally different. One of these days I'll manage to snap a picture of mom and her hot chocolate.
I say hold your head high even if you don't fancy chocolate in all its forms. Now if you didn't like Mexican food, I might think you are truly strange, but I'd try to be kind about it. Yes. Yes. Yes. Chocolat is one of my favorite movies of all time. I'm sure she would instantaneously ascertain that you are simply a hot chocolate kind of individual.
A lot of people have written about hot chocolate. Funny, I like it, but it's not the first thing... or second or third... that comes to mind when I think of chocolate. But reading about it reminds me of some of the times as a child, traveling in Italy and France, when we were served hot chocolate for breakfast that was like melted chocolate in a bowl, so rich, so like the beverage in Chocolat, and it was marvelous!
I'm not a huge fan of chocolate, either. I mean, if I get a box of dark chocolate covered peanuts or almonds, I will inhale them, but I seldom crave sweet things (I tend to crave entire meals!).
I loved reading this post--such a fun and different perspective!
I enjoyed your post because although I love chocolate madly I can't eat it anymore! The movie and the drink? Yes and yes...I couldn't agree more.
It's so funny, but I'm exactly the opposite. There isn't a form of chocolate I wouldn't call "friend" except for hot chocolate. I got sick after drinking some once, and I think it spoiled me. Even now, when my kids want hot chocolate, it makes me a bit queasy to make it. Thanks for sharing with us anyway - hope next week will be a prompt that will be something you'll love writing about!
This is a GREAT post...I'll even forgive you for not loving chocolate ;) Love this blog too...I'll be back.
happy chocolate day pics
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