101 things IN

and other things thrown in between

101 Things in 1001 Days: Sold Out!

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Sold Out!

I am filled with a kind of restless excitement today. I guess I am still feeling heady from making my first sale/s and not only that, selling out and getting orders for more. I’d best explain.

After many months procrastinating and questioning whether I should or should not, I finally decided the time was right to launch my ‘label’ and I knuckled down to producing my handbags. It’s been a gruelling 2/ 3 weeks of sewing, ordering work materials, emails to potential suppliers, cutting out patterns  sewing some more but finally I had produced six gorgeous handbags (even if I do say so myself!).

As a tester, I decided to take them along to a friend’s BBQ on Sunday and my goodness, was I overwhelmed by the response! They were ALL SNAPPED UP! And orders were placed for more!! I am so astounded by the response but also pleased that my work is loved and people are prepared to pay to own one of my handbags. Talk about that giving you a high.

Unfortunately, I didn’t take any pictures of the bags to post on the blog I am setting up specifically for my handbags/accessories (www.olivegirlthings.blogspot.com – it’s still at the ‘coming soon’ stage). I thought I would take pictures of them when I returned home from the BBQ (not expecting to have made any sales, but how wrong could I have been). SOLD OUT – suddenly those two words have a nice ring to them.

However, sourcing the materials to use in making the handbags often prove difficult and when I do find them they are always at a premium. As a result of this I have had to source many of the little accessories abroad. I am now beginning to understand why manufacturers are turning increasingly to Asia for the production of goods and delivery of services – it’s amazing how much cheaper you can get stuff over there. Over here (England) a simple accessory like a magnetic fastener can set you back a small fortune.

All in all, I am still glowing from my new found status as an entrepreneur (albeit still a budding one). Now I have to work towards giving up my day job now. Hehehehe.

And in all this, I have learned a few lessons:

  1. BBQ’s make a great venue to market handbags!

  2. To believe in myself and my talent more.

  3. Hardwork does pay off.

  4. SOLD.OUT. are two beautiful words.

  5. Feel the fear but do it anyway.

For: Life’s Little Lessons


Blogger Jennifer S. said...

I like these lessons: believe in yourself and feel the fear and do it anyway - good, wise words.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why not have a website as opposed to a blog for your items?

Wednesday, May 31, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@ anonymous: I am working on that as well. Thanks!

Wednesday, May 31, 2006  
Blogger susanlavonne said...

Congratulations on your sales!!
And the lessons are valuable for all of us but I am afraid you forgot one small one: take photos first please...so we can all share the "gorgeous-nss" of your talent ;-)

Wednesday, May 31, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@Susanlavonne: Yes indeed! I should have had 6 lessons up, the 6th one being to remember to take photo's first before making any sales!

@ All: Thank you! I promise some photos are coming soon...

Thursday, June 01, 2006  
Blogger Jeri said...

Congratulations on your sales and great lessons, too. Looking forward to seeing your handbags.

Thursday, June 01, 2006  

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