Fortune Cookie

4 – 6 good dreams
1 great Idea
750g Action
750g Focus
1kg Passion
1kg Planning
1kg Support
500g Resilience
750g Confidence (sometimes referred to as Faith)
3 – 6 Prayers (to taste or Optional)
1 Bank Manager OR 1- 3 Investors (Optional)
6 drops of tears (or to taste, sometimes optional)
1 – 2 cups Setbacks
1 or more Critics
Two months of worry (optional)
A few weeks’ sleepless nights (Optional)
A large pinch of Patience
Mix your dreams gradually until you get a smooth dropping consistency which at this stage is now called a great idea. Pour in your planning carefully, taking great care to avoid getting any lumps- this can sometimes be a lengthy process.
Add the rest of your ingredients in rapid succession and give it a good hard stir. Pick out the critics at this point as they are not required anymore – leaving them in can make your mixture taste a bit strong and gives a bitter edge.
Pour your mixture into a large baking tin, giving it a good shake to let it spread evenly, allow to stand for a while.
Place your tin into your pre-heated oven, gas mark 4 or 180 degrees – slow baking is essential. You know it is ready when it has broken even or shows profit (determinable by you).
If successful, this recipe can be addictive and you’ll use it time and again. However, it is not foolproof and has been known to collapse in the middle if taken out of the oven too soon, or if all lumps were not beaten out. In this case, try it again or use another recipe. Enjoy!
PS: since I’ve only ever had a fortune cookie once in my life, and I can’t even remember what my fortune read, I decided to take liberties and twist this prompt a little.
Labels: Sunday Scribbings
oh i love this! what a brilliant idea for this week's prompt.
This was wonderful!! I posted a recipe too but yours is pure genius! I need to go back and read it again to taste it properly!! What a great post!!!
I love your recipe!!! I posted one too, but yours is definitely better, and you can have the ingredients no matter where you are. Well done!
I love this - how clever and creative! I can see this being made into an article in Oprah Magazine!
An excellent take on this topic, so full of wisdom.
Thank you all, glad you enjoyed my twist to the prompt and Kerstin, you have just paid me the HUGEST (is there such a word?) compliment EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
ha! This is great! Your recipe made me smile this morning. :)
I love this! Very clever and a great twist on the prompt.
I am with Kerstin. Send it to them! Do! I think this is really wonderful - and powerful.
Brilliant! I love your cooking :)
Wow, now this is original....I love it! Nice work! I can't wait to come back and read more of your blog!Do send it to Oprah!
Peace and giggles Sherrie
And your take was just perfect.
I just might mail it off to Oprah, humm....
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