101 things IN

and other things thrown in between

101 Things in 1001 Days: Many Thanks

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Many Thanks

Thank you to everyone who left comments asking after my health. I’m really touched by your concern.

I have had a very rough 7/8 weeks – fatigue, morning sickness and general lethargy. As a result of this, my creative juices are just not what they used to be. On the days I don’t work, I lie around the house reading trashy magazines as that’s all my brain seems to be able to absorb at the moment, much to my hubby’s disapproval. I have really missed taking part in Sunday Scribblings and I could almost cry as no ideas pop into my head as I read the weeks’ prompt.

I am now 13 weeks pregnant and the nausea still doesn’t seem to be letting up. I am getting really fed up with it as I have always prided myself on being a very up-and-go-never-sick sort of person. So being in this state has really left me in a very unfamiliar place. I am hoping, as all the books tell me, that in the next couple of weeks I will be back to my normal self and I can start to actually enjoy my pregnancy.

I honestly didn’t realise that I’d being away for this long – the time has really flown by. Although I only leave the occasional comment, I do  visit all your blogs on an almost daily basis. Reading what’s going on in your lives keeps me upbeat and connected. I promise not to stay away for so long. Blessings…


Blogger rel said...

Miss you! We'll be here when you are feelin' chipper again. Hope for your sake the sickness abates soon.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006  

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