101 things IN

and other things thrown in between

101 Things in 1001 Days: Space, Mooching and a Review

Friday, October 26, 2007

Space, Mooching and a Review

Its been a busy past five months with lots of changes going on.

My baby is now five months old and absolutely gorgeous – I am totally in love with her and handling motherhood this time around much better.

My four and a half year old started at ‘big school’ ( as she likes to call it) in September and it brought tears to my eyes seeing her in her little uniform going off to school. Makes me realise just how fast the time flies by and so I must cherish every moment I have to spend with her. Makes me realise that I am getting older too. Her starting school also means that each day we have to sit down together to do her school work so by the time I have done that, looked after baby, taken care of things on the home front plus a million other bits and bobs there is no time left over for me to blog. But this is about to change.

The need for space is vital for me. Space means having time for myself to think about me, my needs, my wants, my aspirations, the things I need to do and discover to make me a better person. Space means being able to blog, to write, to listen to music, to read a trashy magazine when I want to, to curl up with a good book, to watch a favourite programme uninterrupted on TV. Space means being able to meditate, to pray, to centre myself. Space means being able to think in the middle of the din. Space means going off on my own, to explore who I am, what am about. Space means being able to breathe.

So returning to my blog is a re-discovery of sorts for me and it feels strange having not done it in a while – blog that is.

I have also had a pleasant mooch around cyberspace today and in the process stumbled across several gems.

New challenges at my sacred life, small is beautiful and wellness Wednesday

Loving this so I am making one of my own.

I am in the process of reviewing my 101 list – which I have neglected for so long. So much has changed with me since I made that list so much so that I smile at some of the silly things I listed as wanting to do. For instance, why would I want to learn how to build a website?? I have no idea why I put it down on my list but it was obviously something that was important to me at the time. Anyway, the list is being given a make over to suit my present needs.

Ah, it feels good to be back.

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Blogger Liza on Maui said...

It's nice to have you back in blogosphere :) . It's nice to hear that baby, and your other child are doing well.

Good luck on your projects.

Sunday, November 04, 2007  

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