I have said many goodbyes in my time.
I have had happy goodbyes and sad goodbyes.
I have had goodbyes where I just wanted to break out in a little jig at the freedom this particular parting would bring and I have goodbyes that have broken my heart.
I have said goodbye to friends, foes, family and lovers.
I have said goodbye to homes, cities, jobs, countries and possessions.
I have said goodbye to dreams, hopes, plans, the person I used to be.
Yes, I have said good bye to many things.
There have also been the silent goodbyes where the word was never really spoken but we knew deep inside that we will never see that person again. Like a lover moving thousands of miles away. The phone calls eventually stop being made and the letters dry up. Goodbye.
I don’t like goodbyes, never have. They always leave me in tears- either of joy or sadness. There is a finality about the word that drains me emotionally so I’d rather say ‘See You Soon’ that way, there is the possibility that we might meet again someday. And that possibility is so much nicer.
Good bye: A Haiku
I force a bright smile
And hug you tightly to me
My heart breaks inside
One last kiss goodbye
Then we turn to hide our pain
A chapter closes